
Clone wiki

spkgs / the scripts

page state: TODO , in prorgress

General usage:

simply run a script in the directory where it is, it will download the source and do all steps to build a Slackware package. If not other specified, the package will be placed into the directory.

Possible configuration:

the usual variables, BUILD, TAG, TMP, OUTPUT can be set via environment variables, where
BUILD is the build number
TAG it the package tag,
TMP the directory where the build happens, and
OUTPUT is the directory where the final package will be placed into
additional varaibles:
SRCARCHIVELOC is the directory where the source archive is, will be placed from the download.
Also the variables ARCH and SLKCFLAGS can be set via environment variables, if they exist the script will take them and not the default values.

Some internals:

To be able to run scripts partial, all build steps are in functions. This helps also the restyle script to transform then in more 'standard' looking like scripts.

makeBasicSetup: sets all variable names
makeArchSetup : sets the arch and compiler flags
doInfoSetup : internal, set some info like download location
doDownload : runs the download
doCleanUp : removes directories that a previous run possible created
doPrepareSource: extract the source and applies patches
doMakeBuild: runs configure and build
doMakeInstall: runs make install step
doFixInstall: zip man pages, put documentation in place, fix whatever is left
doPack: creates the Slackware package
doCleanUp: removes all create files
